Dolley Madison

Mr. Madison and “the Presidentess”

Listen, Dolley Madison is a gem of American History. If, thanks the Hamilton: An American Musical, you can credit A.Ham as an extremely important intellectual figure in the founding of the United States, you also must credit James Madison.  He was the only one on par with Hamilton.  Long story short: Madison is the best of the Virginians from his time period.  I’ll make him his own post some day.

AND, other long story short, Madison really only politically succeeded because he was married to Dolley.  In the musical he is very correctly portrayed as sickly and socially awkward.  He was very small of stature.  In real life, he wisely married Dolley and Dolley wisely married him.

Dolley’s success was her ability to charm and be sociable with everyone.  It was a time, not unlike our own, where different political factions were viciously at each others’ throats.  She did her damndest, as was very successful, at bridging those gaps and finding common ground.  When Madison was in office, for example, she would have regular, weekly socials that people of all parties attended and were required to play nice.  The gatherings became a staple of government workings–If you didn’t attend you weren’t in one of the most important rooms where things happened.

Historical image of Dolley Madison. Dark curly hair, pale complexion with rosey cheeks, white dress.
Dolley looking fabulous.By Gilbert Stuart – White House Historical Association [1], Public Domain, Link

Hello, Dolley!

You love musicals and American history.  You will hopefully agree with me that Dolly Gallagher Levi (of “Hello, Dolly!“) is in some capacity based on Mrs. Madison.  The story is about a social butterfly widow who eventually makes a great marriage and alliance with a cranky, awkward fart…Not to mention that in the movie version starring Barbara Streisand, during THE song, the character is literally wearing peacock feathers all up in her hair.  See below.  And listen the song in a new tab while you think about Dolley Madison.

Quick aside about her being somewhat “sultry,” because the character in the musical is: Dolley Madison probably damn well was.  Everyone loved her and she thrived because of it.  The same types of vicious newspapers that plagued Hamilton and the others made big deal attempting to shame her for being allegedly promiscuous (pfft).  Dolley Madison ignored all of it and did her thing.

Mood board, colors and fonts!



Color: #f9dd3f

Dolley-Yellow! I chose this color because she was a very sunny woman. She held the very first Inaugural Ball, and her dress was quite yellow.  Also, after choosing this color I learned that when she was making the White House homey, she had a room painted in her “signature yellow color.”  While it’s entirely possible I had this tidbit in the back of my mind somewhere and just forgot it, the point is that through and through Dolley’s color was yellow.  That is her vibe.

Fonts: Sacramento, paired with Open Sans Condensed.  A google fonts suggestion, because I’m still a newbie and I love google fonts.  When I’m picking these I pretty much just browsed through, and Sacramento screamed Dolley’s personality to me.  I decided to pair with Open Sans Condensed as a homage to her being with James Madison, so different and so much more uptight than her.

Images Context

Header Image: Montpelier, the historic home of James and Dolley Madison.  I’ve visited it twice.  Here’s the section of their site dedicated to Dolley.  I’m also just going to take this moment to say that Dolley and James really did suck because they were mostly unrepentant slave owners.  Yes it’s a sign of the times, but I hate George Washington for his hypocrisy on it, so I also hate them for it…Related image:

  • Agriculture Field: By Adele Payman. Not actually Virginia, full disclosure.

Flag: By Stephanie McCabe.  The most famous Dolley story is how she saved various Revolutionary War relics and the most famous portrait of George Washington during the invasion of Washington, DC during the war of 1812.  She was someone who lived through the revolution, and then was the (“first”) First Lady when the British re-invaded.

Hilarious engraving of feisty Dolley Madison saving an important document. Source.

Lady on Bed: By Vladislav Muslakov.  She had a hard life, in addition to…you know…wars.  Her first husband and second son (still an infant) died of yellow fever in 1793, leaving her a widow with her first son to support on her own at the age of 25.  She definitely married James, in part, for financial security. In order to marry him, however, she had to accept being ousted by her religious community.  She and her first husband were Quakers, and her marriage to a non-Quaker like James was a deal breaker for her church.  (To be fair, she blossomed away from their restrictive lifestyle, but I digress…)

Lady and Son: By Daiga Ellaby.  Her surviving son, Payne, was both the apple of her eye and a crap human being.  He had serious gambling issues that James did his best to shield Dolley from while he was alive.  However, after James died Payne’s debts became so insurmountable that Dolley was left destitute and had to sell Montpelier (including all of the slaves).  Ultimately, by the end of her life she was incredibly poor thanks to her son.  Regardless, she was always, always incredibly devoted to Payne.  And, as a separate note, she was always very sad and disappointed that she and James were never managed to have their own children.

Peacock: By AGL Fotos.  Dolley was a fashion icon.  Big time.  One of the first and biggest American fashion icons.  She favored wearing her hair in a wrap/turban type getup with peacock feathers in it.  It became all the rage.  Also!  Keep in mind that she came from that Quaker background where the standard was for her to dress extremely modestly.  The quote about how she was “peculiarly fitted” to be the First Lady she eventually became is very apt.  I will also take this time to mention that she so often took the spotlight (no doubt much to James’ relief) that she was referred to in the press as the “Presidentess.”  Related to Hostess-Dolley:

  • Tea: By rawpixel.
  • Capitol Dome: By Neal Fagan.  Because never forget that her motivation in playing this game was, in actuality, all about political power.
  • Wine Glasses: By Michael Browning.

Lady on Stairs: By Bin Thiều.  As mentioned, after James died Dolley was basically bankrupt by her leech of a son, Payne Todd.   Eventually she moved back to DC, where she was at least somewhat socially comfortable.  She and Eliza Hamilton became the two remaining “relics” of the Revolutionary War/the “founding fathers.”    Basically, she was still revered, but privately she had a hard time paying the bills.

Notably, Dolley and Eliza Hamilton, living in similar (unfortunate) circumstances, were present at the dedication of the Washington Monument.  A young Illinois House Representative named Abraham Lincoln was also in attendance!

Yellow Flowers Credit:


New art supplies + Hamilton Quotes!

I only recently got some brush pens.  I have no actual schooling/have done no real work to learn how to use them.  But I wanted to get some kind of feel for them, so turned to Hamilton quotes.  These are sloppy, but I had fun making them.  I’m learning about brush pens now, so I’ll probably make these again once I have an actual hand for it!

PS I had no Burgundy, so Burr got to be navy-ish.

Do You Know What Angelica Said?

“First Burn”

The April Hamildrop was amazing.  If you haven’t heard it, please do yourself a favor and listen immediate.

This song got me fired up, so I made a few Angelica and Eliza visuals/pairings.  I used both lyrics and real text.  I’ve also included some John Barker Church (i.e., Angelica’s forgotten husband with whom Alexander and Eliza were very close…The world needs more JBC, and hopefully this blog will eventually help with that).

If you want to read Ron Chernow‘s take on Eliza and Angelica’s reactions to the Reynolds Pamphlet it can be found within the chapter “Flying Too Near The Sun,” pages 526-545.  All historic quotes within this post are taken from this chapter.

Musical Version



I absolutely love Hamilton: An American Musical exactly as is, but I’ve always been sad that “Congratulations” wasn’t in there, AND I’m sad that elements of “First Burn” aren’t there. Namely I love the ladies calling Ham out specifically for being politically stupid on top of emotionally harmful…Not only because it feels good to have them hit him where it hurts, but because it shows their political intelligence.  Because women didn’t have the vote they had their own, different (yes, lesser) political roles where highly intelligent social butterflies like Angelica and Dolly Madison were queens.  This other half of politics, more distinctly it’s own arena in that time, deserves more attention. Best example: Madison could NEVER have been who he was if Dolly hadn’t made up for society’s problems with his physical and social shortcomings.  

SO in musical world when Eliza and Angelica respectively call Hamilton out for his disregard of how society sees them all, I hear it as more than them being personally wounded. He has stupidly, SEVERELY damaged their well-oiled family political machine; he has hurt all of their public interests.



Historically, However…

“First Burn” and “Congratulations” vibes are unfortunately not how Eliza and Angelica historically reacted.  Lin-Manuel Miranda has stated (I believe in the PBS documentary, but don’t quote me) that he “recast” Eliza’s response to the scandal (burning their love letters) as anger at Hamilton, rather than as protecting their personal life from the scathing eye of history.  Angelica is obviously portrayed as breaking off her emotional affair with Hamilton for the pain he has caused Eliza.

For the record, I’m 100% for this change for the sake of more modernly relatable, strong female characters.

In truth, according to Chernow, Eliza’s anger was largely directed at James Monroe (see: The Reynolds Pamphlet: Full Title) for unjustly conspiring to destroy Alexander’s reputation.  Throughout the scandal, and despite heinous opposition press blaming her for Hamilton’s cheating, Eliza remained stoic and silent.  Chernow states that “already Eliza showed flashes of the militant loyalty to her husband that was to distinguish her widowhood” (543).

The press being absolutely terrible to poor Eliza.



For her part, Angelica saw Eliza having to cope with this public humiliation as part and parcel with being married to a great man and public figure.  The Icarus line comes from a letter (quoted below) Angelica sent Eliza.  Within this context, it’s clear she too is of the mind that this massively embarrassing situation is primarily the result of malice by Hamilton’s envious rivals.


Tranquilize your kind and good heart, my dear Eliza, for I have the most positive assurance from Mr. Church that the dirty fellow who has caused us all some uneasiness and wounded your feelings, my dear love, is effectually silenced. Merit, virtue and talents must have enemies and are always exposed to envy so that, my Eliza, you see the penalties attending the position of so amiable a man. All this you would not have suffered if you had married into a family less near the sun…

With all my heart and redoubled tenderness,


Angelica is (of course) exceedingly clever.  People of this era loved to speak in metaphors utilizing Roman mythology (John and Abigail Adams were seriously obnoxious about it, but I digress…).  By clearly alluding to Icarus, the embodiment of the consequences of hubris, Angelica is identifying Hamilton’s political ambitions as the root cause of this family downfall.  The difference between the historical and the musical versions is Angelica blaming/not blaming Alexander personally for Eliza’s humiliation.  The “dirty fellow” who has been silenced is not (from what I can tell) Alexander, but Callender/Monroe/one of the family’s political enemies.  In an excerpt I did not include just before this text, she is speaking well of Hamilton and describing to Eliza (who had just left them both to travel to Albany to birth yet another child) how concerned for her Alexander was.  Full disclosure that I have not yet read the letter in it’s entirety (the full text is not in Chernow’s book), but intend to when I find time to hunt it down elsewhere.  I’ll report back here when I do!

Regardless of the discrepancies, what rings absolutely true is Angelica’s love for and protectiveness towards her younger sister.  She is clearly personally wounded for the emotional pain she knows Eliza is suffering and is doing whatever she can to try and support her.  At the end of the day, that’s what we all hopefully take away from “First Burn” and “Burn.”


Written By Himself (Have You Read This Sh–?)


Here it is!  My first published attempt at what I want to do with The Hamilton Lettering Project.  First because A) The full title of the Reynolds Pamphlet is what gave me the idea to start this project.  And B) Lin’s April HamilDrop (“First Burn”) set me on fire yesterday.  I had feels and I needed to get them out.  A very spur of the moment Angelica and Eliza post will follow this one shortly.

I also have a much bigger design for The Farmer Refuted saved in my drafts.  It’ll be up after I get back from vacation.  It’s a more complex design and it hits a cornerstone of what I love about early American history, so I spent a lot more time thinking about it than I originally planned.  Nerd alert.  Welcome to my blog.

I absolutely will be revisiting other parts of the Reynolds Pamphlet (and its appendices) later.  This post contains a design of the full title of the infamous document and discussion of the political characters and circumstances surrounding the document’s publishing.

Full Title of The Reynolds Pamphlet




I fully admit that in Hamilton’s day and age it was likely not as weird to have “written by himself” as the credit for the piece.  Many (most?) things were published anonymously, and in order to give credibility to the personal letters/addendums to the text itself (AKA Maria and her husband’s letters) Hamilton wanted to be very clear that these were his personal correspondence.

That said….”HAMILTON IS FULLY REFUTED, WRITTEN BY HIMSELF,” captures the basic essence of why the Reynolds Pamphlet was such a misstep, does it not?  Hello, Hamilton’s Hubris.

The background text I included behind the title is text from the pamphlet itself.  I included parts quoted in the musical as well as some of the obnoxious text where Alexander is semi-bragging about how Maria was seemingly so “violently attached” to him…No doubt I’ll go off about that element more at another time…


Frankly, “Hurricane” does a phenomenally, brilliant job of describing why Alexander Hamilton thought the Reynolds Pamphlet would be a good idea, as well as how skewed his view was at that time.  It’s difficult to blame him when he did both save and make himself (in life) with writing–specifically writing with a cocky, argumentative tone.  (This will be addressed in more detail in my Farmer Refuted post, and no doubt subsequent posts.)

I must note:

  • Aaron Burr had nothing to do with the rumors against Hamilton that lead to him publishing the piece.
  • Thomas Jefferson was involved in a hands off way (keep reading…).
  • Future fifth president of the United States, and ethically poor human, James Monroe was the main antagonist in the “We Know” vein.
  • Eliza never forgave Monroe for it.  He begged for her forgiveness in later years, long after Alexander was dead, to try and clear his conscience.  Eliza was effectively like, “Nah, hard pass on forgiveness.  I’m good.”  #Burn
  • Monroe and Hamilton almost dueled over this.  BUT AARON BURR KEPT THE PEACE AND PREVENTED ANYONE FROM DOING ANYTHING WITH DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.  Chernow states, “The most fair-minded advice in the dispute came from Aaron Burr, who seemed devoid of the petty, vindictive spirit that actuated the chief adversaries.  Unlike the Jeffersonians, he did not doubt Hamilton’s integrity…He was the one upright actor in the whole affair” (541).  At some point I’ll create something with Burr’s words placating Monroe and, after this incident, Burr’s contempt for Monroe…Just wait for it, will you?

James T. Callendar

This guy gets his own section because he’s the original internet troll, so very long before the internet.  James Callendar was originally from Scotland, where he was “expelled” due to his false, politically driven writings.  He wrote “The History of the United States For The Year 1796.”  The Reynolds Pamphlet is a direct refutation of that document.

This guy was effectively trying to make his fortune by spewing inflammatory news.  He eventually ran himself into the ground, a rival made clear which anonymous pamphlets he had published (ruining him, legally), and he was in a very bad way.

Because Callendar had disrupted Hamilton’s political success Thomas Jefferson secretly supported his print attacks on President John Adams and the Federalist party.  Callendar was eventually prosecuted for sedition (see: Alien and Sedition Acts) and sent to prison.  He was released afterAdams’ Administration and new-president Jefferson pardoned him.  Callendar, however, wanted more from TJ as thanks for all of the harm he had inflicted on the Federalists.  When Jefferson wouldn’t give Callendar a postmaster position, he was attacked–Callendar revealed not only that TJ had financially backed his propaganda, and printed correspondence corroborating such, but put into print all of the rumors that are the basis of everything we know about Jefferson and Sally Hemings.  Suffice it to say that Jefferson got was coming his way.  Callendar had a miserable life thereafter and eventually drowned in a very shallow river he had fallen into in a drunk stupor (according to his Wikipeida article…maybe some day I will do more reading on the life of this jerk, but not today…).

All of THIS said: While Callendar was moral filth/likely a psychopath who had no qualms about wrecking other people’s personal lives and reputations for his own financial gain, we know far more personal history about Alexander and Eliza and TJ and Sally than we would have without Callendar and his ilk’s aggressive “journalism.”

In Short

There was a lot of history going on around publishing the Reynolds Pamphlet.  The musical does an excellent job of describing Hamilton’s state of mind and providing a plot-driven narrative that emotionally rings true.  As with everything in life, the circumstances were far more complicated.  History: It’s exciting and vibrant stuff.